Asked by: Maier Rivillas
Asked in category: automotive, driverless cars
Last Updated: 29th Apr 2024

Where do you get an uber at SFO?

Meet your driver at the designated pick-up location
Pickups for Terminals 3 and 4 take place on Level 5 at the Domestic Garage. All other pickups are on the curbside on Level 2 of the Domestic Garage.

Similar question: Can I also get an Uber at San Francisco Airport?

You can now catch your Uber at San Francisco International Airport's new location. All ride-hailing pickups by passengers arriving at domestic terminals of the airport will take place on the top floor of the airport's hourly garage.

You may also wonder how much it costs to ride an Uber from SFO downtown. Depending on traffic, the ride will cost around $25-30.

Keep this in mind, where can I get uber picked up at the SFO international terminal

You can use the International Terminal's in-app instructions or aRider App Pickupa signs to locate the pick-up location. It is located on the middle island between Zones 14-17. You can request your ride once you have arrived at the rideshare pickup location.

How can I get Uber to my airport?

  1. Visit UBER.COM/DRIVE.
  2. Click the icon at the top right to select your city.
  3. Click "GET THE DETAILS", under "Local information".
  4. Choose "Where to drive"
  5. Scroll down to the section "Airport information".