Asked by: Neysa Denisov
Asked in category: healthy living, alternative medicine
Last Updated: 2nd May 2024

Where do boswellia trees grow?

Boswellia, also known as olibanum-tree or frankincense, is a tree of the Burseraceae Family. It is the primary tree of the genus Boswellia, from which frankincense (a resinous dried sap) is harvested. It is native to the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen, and northeastern Africa (Somalia).

This is how to grow a frankincense plant.

The tree is native to the Middle East, India, and Africa. It can grow up to 25 feet with peeling bark, pinnate green foliage, and is hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant zones 10-12. If stressed or in winter, the frankincense tree might lose its leaves.

The next question is: Are boswellia & frankincense one and the same thing? Both terms refer to the same botanical ingredient. Frankincense refers to the resin derived from boswellia tree. Boswellia is a term that has been used more often to refer to the same resin in modern times.

This is not all. Where does the frankincense plant grow?

Frankincense, which is the dried sap from Boswellia species, is a Boswellia plant. These trees are found in Oman, Yemen, and the Horn of Africa. They also grow in Somalia and Ethiopia. The sap can be dried and used as incense. It is believed to have many medicinal properties.

Why is frankincense so costly?

The boswellia tree is the source of frankincense. The tree's sap is used to make incense. To make the incense, one must cut the bark and wait for the sap of the tree to seep out. Then dry the bark and come back later to get it. You can see why frankincense has such a high price due to political unrest and warfare.