Asked by: Faouzi Perelman
Asked in category: home and garden, indoor environmental quality
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What's the purpose of liquid line filters?

The filter_drier is used in refrigeration and air conditioning systems to perform two functions. One, it adsorbs system contaminants such as water which can cause acids; two, it provides filtration.

Also, asked: What is a liquid filter drier?

A refrigerant dryer is used to keep the refrigerant system clean and dry. It removes moisture, dirt and other contaminants, such as acid, solder flux, beads, and filings. Always replace the filter dryer whenever the refrigerant system has to be opened for repair or replacement.

How can I tell if my liquid-line filter drier has become clogged? Temperature drops across the filter dryer are signs of a clogged liquid filter drier. Filter dryers are usually shaped like hot dogs and have about the same diameter.

It is also important to understand the purpose of a suction filter dryer.

These suction-line filter-driers provide protection against moisture and organic or non-organic acids, which can result from burnouts or chemical changes in system refrigerant oil. These are especially useful for cleaning up after a burnout or when major repairs have been made to the system.

When is it time to change my AC filter?

Every time an air conditioner's refrigeration system is being used, a filter drier must be changed. You should change the filter whenever the compressor is replaced, or if the system is exposed to the atmosphere.