Asked by: Minko Roque
Asked in category: food and drink, cooking
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What's the purpose of cast-iron skillets?

Cast Iron Skillets Heat Evenly
Even heating allows meats to brown faster and vegetables to cook quicker without the need for constant heat management or rotating pans in the oven. Cast iron is great for baking and frying because it distributes heat well.

What are cast iron skillets used to do?

Cast-iron skillets are great for pan-frying and searing. Pro tip: Cast-iron skillets will give your food a better flavor, from cornbread to chicken.

Is it safe to cook with cast iron? Cast iron can be used for more than frying. Its ability to retain heat makes it a good choice for healthy cooking, according to Kerri-Ann Jennings (a Vermont-based registered dietian and nutrition coach). This includes water-based methods like poaching and braising, as well as quick broiling or grilling that don't need much oil.

This is why cast iron should be used for cooking.

There are many good reasons to use them.

  1. Cast iron pans are safer that modern cookware.
  2. They are strong and long-lasting.
  3. Cast iron pans require less oil.
  4. When properly seasoned, they act as nonstick pans.
  5. High heat can be used to cook.
  6. Cast iron pans prevent food from getting scorched.
  7. Cast iron cooks food evenly

Cast iron cast iron: What can you cook?

These are the five things that you shouldn't cook in a cast iron skillet.

  • Tomato Sauce. Tomato sauce. Acidic foods such as tomatoes can cause damage to the seasoning or nonstick coating of your skillet.
  • Wine-Braised Meats.
  • Desserts.
  • Omelets.
  • Delicate Fish