Asked by: Tinerfe Roscoe
Asked in category: news and politics, war and conflicts
Last Updated: 9th May 2024

What year was the Civil War's first use of the minie ball?

The MINIA(c) Ball and the American Civil War
James Burton, U.S. Armory, Harper's Ferry (Virginia) improved the MiniA(c), eliminating the need to use an iron plug. This made it simpler and more affordable to mass-produce. In 1855, it was modified for U.S. military use.

Also, when was the first minie ball used?

In 1848, the French Army captains Montgomery & Henri Gustave Delvigne created the precursor to the MiniA(c), ball. They were designed to permit rapid muzzle loading of rifles. This innovation led to the widespread adoption of the rifle as a mass-killing weapon.

How many Minie balls were produced during the Civil War? This allowed rifles to be loaded quickly and fired with accuracy. These minie balls, representing opposing sides, were fought head-on at the Battle of Fredericksburg in Virginia in December 1862.

Also, know who invented the minieball?

Claude-Atienne MiniA(c)

What made the minie ball so dangerous?

MinieA’ Balls can cause wounds. The soft lead in the rifle barrel allowed MinieA’ balls to expand, which caused them to splinter and/or flatten when they struck a target. While a smoothbore's shot can break bones and tear through tissues, soft lead bullets shatter bone and tear tissue.