Asked by: Tara Loachamin
Asked in category: technology and computing, computer networking
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What does PortFast enable on a Switchport accomplish?

The PortFast feature allows a switch or trunk port to enter STP forwarding-state upon linkup events or immediately. This bypasses the listening and learning states. PortFast can be enabled at a port-level. This port can either physical or logical.

Also question is, how do I enable PortFast?

To enable PortFast, first select the interface you wish to configure. Next, execute the portfast spanning-tree command to activate this feature. The PortFast function will only be activated if the interface is not in non-trunking mode, as shown in the previous figure.

What is PortFast and networking? Portfast bypasses the normal STP timers and speeds up port forwarding. It is usually a Workstation or host PC. This is used to minimize the impact of STP BPDU traffic while a host is being rebooted, or connected to a switch. It is a Layer 2 function, so routers/firewalls can't use it.

Is PortFast enabled automatically?

PortFast cannot be enabled by default. PortFast is enabled on a port. This allows you to take that port and tell the spanning tree not implement STP.

PortFast: On what ports should you switch on?

PortFast can be used on trunk or switch ports that are connected to one workstation, switch or server. This allows those devices to connect immediately to the network, rather than waiting for the port transition from the listening or learning state to the forwarding status.