Asked by: Miklos Noblet
Asked in category: news and politics, elections
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

What were Aristotle’s six types of government, and how did they differ?

This idea states that an ideal government combines elements of monarchy and aristocracy with democracy.

What are the different types of government Aristotle describes?

Aristotle views constitutional government (a mixture of oligarchy, democracy under law) as the best form of government. However, he points out that none of these forms of government is healthy and states will switch between them in an abrupt and chaotic process called the kyklos/anacyclosis.

Aristotle also identifies three types of government and how they differ. Aristotle defines the six forms of government as: 1) Aristocracy is the virtuous rule by the few most distinguished citizens. They would prove that they are morally and intellectually superior and rule in the best interests of the whole population. 3) Monarchy is the rule of one virtuous ruler.

What are the 6 types of government?

Terms in the set (6)

  • Monarchy. A government that is led by a queen or king.
  • Dictatorship. One person in control of the people, police, and military.
  • Theocracy. Theocracy is a government that is led by religious leaders.
  • Single Party State
  • Parliamentary Democracy.
  • Presidential Democracy.

What are the 8 types?

The 8 types government[1]

  • 8 Types of Government
  • 8 Types of Government: Democracy monarchy republicanism ToTaliTarianism fascism dictatorship communism OliGarchy
  • Democracy is a combination of two ancient Greek words that mean 'people' or 'rules of government'.