Asked by: Morris Vajipeyajula
Asked in category: news and politics, war and conflicts
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

What was the doctrine of nullification and when did it become popular?

John C. Calhoun's South Carolina Exposition and Protest of1828 is the best-known statement of nullification theory during this time. Calhoun claimed that the Tariff 1828, which favors the northern manufacturing states while causing harm to the southern agricultural countries, was not constitutional.

You may also wonder, "When was nullification first applied?"


Second, which quizlet was about the doctrine of nullification? He led the fight against the economic harm caused by protective tariffs in 1828. The doctrine of nullification stated that the state could decide whether a law is constitutional. This was known as the Nullification crisis.

What is doctrine of nullification?

The Nullification Doctrine is a doctrine that was promoted by the southern states prior to the Civil War. It allowed states to declare the law of the federal government unconstitutional, and thus null. The state governments are able to determine whether the acts of federal government are legal or not.

What did the Doctrine Of Nullification do to help states assert their rights?

The federal government's resolution of the nullification crises helped to destroy the nullification doctrine. This constitutional theory, which upheld states' rights to nullify federal acts within their borders, was undermined by the federal government.