Asked by: Glory Ungari
Asked in category: home and garden, indoor environmental quality
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

What type of loft insulation works best?

Blanket Insulation
This is the most popular form of loft insulation. It comes in rolls made of rock, glass, or mineral fibre. We use Earthwool from Knauf, which is an excellent environmentally-friendly option. You can also get foil-backed felt. This insulation is good for all purposes and the most affordable, especially between joists.

What type of attic insulation works best?

Loose Fill Insulation Viscose is the most efficient material. However, if it's exposed to moisture it can become moldy.

What is the best type of roof insulation? If you have a flat ceiling, pitched metal roof or tile roof, blanket insulation is the best option for ceiling insulation. There are many options for ceiling insulation, including batts, blankets, and natural wool.

What is the best insulation?

Open cell spray foam, fiberglass and cellulose are the best insulation options.

  • Cellulose is an insulation material that has been used for centuries. It can be used in the attic as well as other areas of your home.
  • Fiberglass, another traditional insulation material, is made up of very fine glass fibers.

Is it possible to put too much insulation into an attic?

Poor ventilation can lead to excessive moisture in a home, particularly in the attic. This can lead to mold problems and lower indoor air quality. However, too much insulation can lead to mold problems in your home.