Asked by: Maximilia Gomez Pulgar
Asked in category: medical health, heart and cardiovascular diseases
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Ischemic stroke: What causes it?

Ischemic stroke: What causes it? Ischemic stroke is a blockage of the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. This is called plaque. This blockage may occur in the skull or at the neck. Clots often start at the heart and travel throughout the circulatory system.

What is the most common cause for ischemic stroke?

There are many causes of stroke. The most common problem with Ischemic stroke is narrowing of the arteries in your neck or head. This is the most common problem. It can be caused by atherosclerosis or gradual cholesterol deposition. Blood clots can form when blood cells collect in the arteries.

What are the best ways to recover from an ischemic stroke? Cole states that the majority of recovery takes place within three months. The gains will be incremental after that. He says that people who remain diligent in their rehabilitation can continue improvement for up to to 2 years. The body's function can be restored by occupational, speech-language, and physical therapy.

What are the risk factors of ischemic stroke?

These are the major stroke risk factors:

  • High blood pressure. High blood pressure is the leading risk factor for stroke.
  • Diabetes.
  • Heart disease.
  • Smoking.
  • Gender and age
  • Ethnicity and race
  • Family or personal history of stroke or TIA.
  • Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) or brain aneurysms (brain aneurysms)

Can drinking water help prevent a stroke?

Drinking enough water is a great way to protect your heart health, even if you have had a stroke. Stroke prevention should begin early in life, even though strokes are more common among the elderly.