Asked by: Yumei Knoepke
Asked in category: technology and computing, web development
Last Updated: 7th May 2024

What tag is used to handle errors in JSP pages

Two attributes can be used for exception handling in JSP's page directive. These are: errorPage To site the page that will be displayed when exception occurs. isErrorPage: This page can be marked as an error page if exceptions are displayed.

Which code sets the JSP's error page correctly?

Use the %@ errorPage = "xxx") directive to create an error page. Now, we will write one error handling JSP showError. jsp is the following. The error-handling page also includes the directive %@ Page isErrorPage = %>.

How can a JSP error page be called by a servlet? (b) The JSP page will catch the exception if the servlet throws it. (c) The must forward the request to the error URL. An attribute called "javax" is used to pass the exception. servlet.

So, what exactly is exception handling in JSP

Exception handling is the process of dealing with runtime errors. exception can occur at any time in your web app. handling exceptions makes it safer for web developers. There are two options for handling exceptions in JSP: by errorPage or isErrorPage attributes.

What does JSP do with runtime exceptions in JSP?

If an uncaught exception is encountered, the errorPage attribute in the page directive can be used. redirects the browser the JSP page problem. JSP If an uncaught exception is encountered while processing the request.