Asked by: Hassna Woolley
Asked in category: books and literature, biographies
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Is her situation at the start of the novel Their Eyes Were watching God?

Janie Crawford is the main character. What's her situation at the start of the novel After being away for a while, she is now returning to her home.

What did Janie do with her newfound knowledge?

She turned the cylinder until the three chambers snapped first. then opened the rifle and put it into the corner.

The main character of the quizlet Their Eyes Were Watching God is also who? Janie is the protagonist of the novel. Janie is not easily categorised. She is black, but she has straight Caucasian hair that is Caucasian-like. Janie is a woman who defies gender stereotypes and wears overalls.

Janie was also interested in love. What can this reveal about Janie?

Her grandmother told her to marry him. Nanny wanted Janie to be taken care before she (Nanny).

Was Joe told by Janie just before his death?

She said to him that he didn't really know her. She had a lot sympathy, but he wouldn't let her use it.