Asked by: Yasna Marsky
Asked in category: events and attractions, funeral
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

What song is used for morning colors?

If there is no band or appropriate recording, "To The Colors" will be played by the bugle at the morning colors and "Retreat” at the evening colors. The National Anthem salute shall be recited as directed.

What song is played at military bases in the morning?

The flag is raised on U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard facilities at 0800 (8 AM) while "The Star Spangled Banner", or "To the Colors", is played. A cannon shot is used to accompany "Reveille" on some U.S. military bases.

What song does the trumpet play at funerals? Taps

Keep this in mind, which song should be played when the flag is being lowered?


What time are morning colors?

The time of morning colors was initially determined by the time at which the sun set. Otherwise, morning colors would occur at 8:00 a.m. This was in line with the current British practice.