Asked by: Justin Araneta
Asked in category: business and finance, construction industry
Last Updated: 3rd Jun 2024

What should the overhang be for a concrete countertop?

A. A. Consult an engineer if you mean a cantilevered -overhang. 100 sq.

This being said, how high can a concrete countertop's overhang be?

A standard countertop can be extended to 12a, as with cantilevers. Additional supports can be used to make larger overhangs.

Also, find out what the minimum thickness of a concrete countertop. Thickness - Concrete countertops are typically 1 1/2 inches thick. This is similar to granite or marble countertops. Contractors can make a thicker countertop illusion by casting a drop front edge.

How much countertop overhang should there be?

Standard countertop overhang is 1 A 1/2 inches. This is 1 A 1/2 inches above the front edge the base cabinet. Although countertops can have different overhang sizes, this number is what is considered standard for homes.

How can you fix a concrete countertop that is ghosting?

If you have a lot of floor patches and want to prevent ghosting, you might consider applying a coating of our Base Coat Epoxy, then broadcast sand onto that (to rejection). You would then sweep up any loose sand, and apply your grout texture to the sanded surface.