Asked by: Guobin Boigues
Asked in category: sports, waterskiing and wakeboarding
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

What is invisible zipper?

An invisible zipper is one that's hidden in a seam. An invisible zipper is sewn differently to regular zippers.

Many people also wonder what the difference is between an invisible zipper versus a regular zipper.

An invisible zipper is one that has very fine teeth. It is sewn into clothing in such a manner that the zipper becomes invisible. Contrary to a regular zip, when sewing with an invisible zipper the seam is sewn once the invisible zip has been sewn. Before sewing the zipper, refer to the instructions.

How do you make an invisible zipper using a regular zipper foot? How do you do it

  1. This example shows two pieces of fabric and an invisible zip.
  2. Place the zipper at 0,5cm below the presser foot.
  3. Reattach the zipper.
  4. Pin the zipper to the fabric's front side by aligning the edges.
  5. You should make a straight line along the edge.

Many people also wonder what an invisible zipper foot looks like.

Before sewing the seams of garments, an invisible zipper should be used. To accommodate the zip coils, the invisible zipper foot has two grooves beneath the foot. These grooves will hold the zip coils in place while you stitch. A zipper should be at least 1 1/4 inches (3 cm) longer than its zipper opening.

How can I make my invisible zipper slide more smoothly?

Chapstick, crayon wax and the end of a graphite pen can be used to lubricate your zipper. To ensure the fabric doesn't get permanently stained by the material you use, do spot tests for all these products.