Asked by: Sikander Anoro
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, stamps and coins
Last Updated: 29th Apr 2024

What letters are the same on both sides?

There seven letters that appear the same way upside down and right side up: H. I, N. O. S. X.

Which word is the opposite of "semi-adjusted"?

"Palindrome" is the answer, because a palindrome refers to a word, phrase or verse that can be read backwards or forwards. Let's see if we can solve more palindrome riddles. Which word is a palindrome if it's viewed upside-down and backwards?

What year is upside-down? 1961 was the last year that could be written upside-down or right-side-up to appear the same. 6009 will be the next year in which this is possible.

This allows you to read what five letter word upside down.

Riddle: Which 5 letter word in all capital letters can be read upside down? Answer: SWIMS.

What four letter word can you write forward, backwards, and upside-down?

What 4-letter word is possible to write forward, backward, or upside-down and still be read from the left to the right? Answer: NOON.