Asked by: Hyo Roehricht
Asked in category: technology and computing, cameras and camcorders
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

What kind of memory card does a Kodak camera use?

KODAK Digital Cameras can be used with SD, SD/MMC and/or SDHC memory card. The majority of current KODAK Digital Cameras can be used with SDHC UHS-1 memory card. Compatible with SDHC UHS-1 memory card cards SDHC UHS-1, all KODAK Digital Cameras use Speed Class cards up to Class 10.

How do I format my Kodak camera's memory card?

How to use Kodak’s built-in format feature to format a corrupted card.

  1. Switch on your Kodak camera by inserting the memory card.
  2. Click on Menu->Settings or tap the Settings icon to go to Settings.
  3. Choose the Format option.
  4. Select the Memory Card option.

The next question is: How do you read an SDHC card? Your SDHC card should be inserted into the SD card slot of your computer. If your computer does not have a slot for SDHC cards, you can plug in an external card reader and then insert your card into that reader. Place the card face-up on the reader.

This is why my SD card won't be read by my camera.

Format the card using your camera. It is not enough to format it on your PC. You shouldn't make card modifications on your computer. The card can then be used in the cam, without re-formatting. It is a risky practice to format memory cards on a PC.

What does it mean if a memory card isn't formatted?

FZ152 ERROR CARD IS NOT FORMATTED This error message indicates that the SD or SDHC card you are trying use has not been formatted, or may have been formatted previously on another device, camera or computer. It is temporarily incompatible to the FZ152