Asked by: Lesha Rouillon
Asked in category: style and fashion, bath and shower
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Is it possible to use a steam mop to clean travertine?

A steam mop can be used on polished travertine tiles. It is safe if you follow the manufacturer's instructions. Do not leave the mop pad in the same place for more than 10 seconds when mopping.

So, what cleaners are safe to use on travertine tiles?

Here are my recommendations for Granite & Marble Spray Cleaners. Use a cotton cloth, chamois or a cotton rag to dry the surface. A mild soap can be used to clean travertine occasionally (3-4 times per year), but repeated use will cause a soap film to form.

How can you remove the urine smell from travertine, other than what I have already mentioned? How To Remove Urine Stains

  1. Use a solution of detergent or washing soda (never soap) to wash the stain.
  2. Use a soft-bristled or cloth to scrub the area.
  3. Rinse well with water, and let dry.

People also ask if a steam mop can be used on natural stone floors.

Your steam cleaner is the best and most safest way to clean natural stone floors. The steam cleaner heats water to such an extreme degree that it creates steam capable of extraordinary cleaning and disinfection.

Is Simple Green safe to use with travertine

Simple Green Multi-Surface floor care cleans hard floors with an environmentally friendly, non-toxic cleaner that leaves no residue. The cleaner is quick drying, leaving behind a streak-free and spot-free finish that lets the natural beauty of your flooring shine through.