Asked by: Lazara Concheiro
Asked in category: sports, rodeo, sports, rodeo
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

What is there to do at Rodeo Drive?

Things to Do Near Rodeo Drive Beverly Hills
  • 0.22 mi. Epione Beverly Hills. Ranked #2 in Beverly Hills things you should do.
  • 0.96 mi. Museum of Tolerance.
  • 0.96 mi. The Annenberg Space for Photography.
  • 0.34 mi. Beverly Gardens Park.
  • 4.19 mi. The Getty Center.
  • 4.12 mi. Hollywood Walk of Fame
  • 2.43 mi. Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
  • 2.49 mi. The Grove

What are the best things to do in Rodeo Drive?

Things to Do Near Rodeo Drive Beverly Hills

  • 0.22 mi. Epione Beverly Hills. Ranked #2 in Beverly Hills things you should do.
  • 0.96 mi. Museum of Tolerance.
  • 0.96 mi. The Annenberg Space for Photography.
  • 0.34 mi. Beverly Gardens Park.
  • 4.19 mi. The Getty Center.
  • 4.12 mi. Hollywood Walk of Fame
  • 2.43 mi. Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
  • 2.49 mi. The Grove

Second, is Rodeo Drive worth the effort? Rodeo Drive Pros & Cons It's worth a visit for a few moments. Window-shopping is free, parking is available for no charge, and the spectacle itself is great fun. If you are looking for bargains, you will need to travel somewhere else. You can also spend a whole weekend in Beverly Hills or West Hollywood.

What is Rodeo Drive also famous for?

RODEO DRIVE, pronounced Roh-DAYOh in Beverly Hills, California, is a shopping area known for its designer labels and haute couture fashion. Although the street is three blocks long, it has many shops and boutiques. However, the street can stretch further north and south.

Can you walk down Rodeo Drive

Visitors can stroll among their favorite fashion icons on Rodeo Drive from Wilshire Boulevard to South Santa Monica Boulevard.