Asked by: Djamila Mihalitsin
Asked in category: healthy living, childrens health
Last Updated: 24th Jun 2024

What is the Table for Drugs and Chemicals?

Table of Drugs and Chemicals. This table lists a list of chemicals as well as other chemical substances. It helps to identify poisoning states or external causes of adverse reactions. These codes can be used to indicate poisoning, overdose or the wrong substance taken or given.

Then, you might also wonder, "What is the tabular listing in medical coding?"

Tabular List: A chronological listing of ICD-10 CM codes, divided into chapters based upon body system or condition. When assigning or locating a code, it is important to use both the Alphabetic Index as well as the Tabular List.

What is the purpose for external cause of morbidity codes, second? The External Cause of Morbidity Codes record the circumstances surrounding the injury or illness (cause), their intent (unintentional, accidental, or intentional), the location where it occurred, the activity of a patient at that time, and the status of the individual (e.g. civilian,).

How do you code poisoning using ICD 10?

Poisoning refers to the improper use of medication. This includes overdose, incorrect substance given or taken in error or wrong route of administration. Report poisoning with drugs, biological, or biological substances by assigning the poisoning code first. Then, follow up with the manifestation code.

What does ICD 10 mean?

ICD-10CM is the standard transaction number set under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. It's used to track and bill health care statistics/disease burden/quality outcomes.