Asked by: Albano Alexandrescu
Asked in category: technology and computing, data storage and warehousing, technology and computing, data storage and warehousing
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What is the scope of cloud computing in future?

Cloud computing industry has huge growth potential. According to Gartner, Inc., the global public cloud services market will grow 17.5 percent to $214.3 billion in 2019, up from $182.4 million in 2018.

Also, is there any potential in cloud computing?

There are many opportunities in cloud computing. These include IT systems, management and user support. Developers in the application, business analysts, web developers, and even those in the field of net safety. Each role requires a particular skill to enter this field.

You might also wonder, Quora, what's the future of cloud computing? Cloud computing is predicted to grow at a compound annual rate (CAGR) 19%. It is expected to reach $162 Billion in 2020, up from $67 Billion in 2015. Gartner also predicts that global public cloud services will reach $247 billion in 2017, up from $210 billion in 2016.

So, is cloud computing a career option?

Cloud computing is the hottest technology and it is generating plenty of job opportunities in the IT industry. It is a lucrative career option for those who want to make a career in information technology.

What are the job opportunities in cloud computing?

These are the 15 most in-demand job positions on Indeed, which list cloud-related skills as their description:

  1. Software engineer.
  2. Software engineer in senior.
  3. Software architect.
  4. Engineer in development operations.
  5. Full-stack developer.
  6. Cloud engineer.
  7. Data engineer.
  8. Java developer.