Asked by: Dongmei Dorr
Asked in category: home and garden, smart home
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What is the purpose of flair puck?

Every room can have smart climate control. Works With Central Systems, Window ACs and Mini Splitsaand many more. The Puck wireless thermostat adjusts the room temperature and monitors room conditions. It also turns off when you go. Our iOS, Android, or web apps all have easy-to use controls.

In the same way, how does flair vents work?

Flair Smart Vent is a smart thermostat that controls the airflow to every room. It works in conjunction with your cooling and heating system.

You may also be interested in ecobee and mini split. You already have a smart thermostat (ecobee TCC, Honeywell Lyric, Honeywell Lyric) that you want to connect to your mini split AC. It's possible. Puck is the only smart AC system that has Mini Split Mirror ModeTM. Your mini split will always reflect your smart thermostat's settings.

How does Flair interact with Nest?

Flair has integrated with Nest to increase Flair Smart Vent's usability and improve our temperature control systems. By integrating with Nest , Nest's temperature information, HVAC info and home/away information, we can integrate with Nest . Users can also control their Nest from the Flair App.

Smart vents: Are they a good idea or a bad idea?

Experts recommend closing vents in unoccupied rooms to conserve energy. It's not that simple. Many smart home ideas claim to reduce energy costs and improve comfort, but they can sometimes cause more problems than they solve.