Asked by: Nicolasa Garitano-Eduegi
Asked in category: medical health, digestive disorders
Last Updated: 28th Apr 2024

What is the main job of the pharynx quizlet?

What is the pharynx and how does it work? It is the posterior continuation to the digestive system from your oral cavity. It is also a common route to carry air to the larynx or lungs. It can also be used to transport food to the esophagus.

The main task of the pharynx is also a question.

Both the respiratory and digestive systems include the pharynx. It is responsible for swallowing and acts as a conduit to food movement from the mouth to the stomach.

What is the cause of mesentery? Your intestines are attached to your abdomen wall by the mesentery. Although it is usually made in your liver, fat cells in the mesentery may also produce it.

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It is the posterior continuation from the digestive system in the oral cavity. This is a common route for air to reach the larynx or lungs. It can also be used to transport food to the esophagus.

Quizlet: What is the purpose of the gallbladder?

Stories and concentrates bile from liver, before slowly releasing it into dueodenum.