Asked by: Arnald Shevin
Asked in category: events and attractions, outdoor activities
Last Updated: 23rd Jun 2024

What is the DWC bucket system?

DWC systems can be very easy to use. You only need a container, lid and pump. The net pot is used to grow roots. An air stone is placed in the container to stir the solution and maintain high levels of dissolved oxygen in any DWC system.

How does DWC work?

DWC uses an air pump or falling water to solve the oxygen problem. This causes air bubbles to rise from the nutrient solution and the dissolved waters in the reservoir. DWC plants can absorb enough oxygen and still be able to absorb the nutrients and water all day.

What is the best medium to hydroponics? The most popular growing media's are Rockwool, Lightweight Expanded clay aggregate (called Hydrocorn or Grow Rock), Coconut Fiber/Coconut chips and Perlite/Vermiculite.

How often do you change the water in your DWC system?

Two to three weeks

What is the water content of a DWC bucket

DWC systems can be very easy to use. You only need a container and lid, a pump, and a netpot. The container can hold the nutrient solution, usually around 2.5-4 gallons (10-15 Liters), and the lid supports one plant in a net-pot.