Asked by: Bittor Bednar
Asked in category: music and audio, childrens music
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

What is the California state flower?

The official state flower of California was Eschscholzia California poppy (Ca. Section 421, Government Code Bright orange flowers of this plant are a symbol of the Golden State. They could also be interpreted as a representation of the many afields of golden that were discovered during the gold rush.

Another question is: What is the California state flower, and why?

California poppy

Why was the California poppy chosen as the state flower? California State Flower. California Indians treasured the poppy both as a food source and to extract oil from the plant. The poppy is also known as the flame , the amapola (cup of gold), and the copa de oro ("cup of gold") because it grows wild in California. It was made the state flower in 1903.

Is it also illegal to pick California's state flower?

Almost everyone in California has heard that it's illegal to pick poppies in the state. This law makes it illegal to pick Poppies if they are not on the owner's land. If the picker is the owner of the land or has permission from the land's owners to pick the poppies, they are allowed to pick them.

How many California poppy petals are there?

Four petals