Asked by: Shuang Eickriede
Asked in category: books and literature, fiction
Last Updated: 2nd May 2024

What is the best way to use a period?

A period is a small, dot-shaped punctuation symbol that is used to end sentences that are intended to make statements. The period, like other punctuation marks used to end sentences should be placed immediately behind the last letter in the sentence.

Another question is: How do you correctly use a period?


  1. Rule 1. Rule 1.
  2. Rule 2. Rule 2.
  3. Rule 3. Rule 3.

What is a period written? A period (..) is a form of punctuation used to end a declarative sentence. A period (. ) is a type of punctuation that is used to close a declarative sentence. Periods can be used after initials or with two-letter abbreviations (U.S.). Declarative sentence: Harry S Truman didn't use a period after the middle initial.

Afterwards, you might also wonder when it is okay to stop using your period.

If there is more text following a sentence, a period should not be used to close it. A phrase indicating who is being quoted. Replace with a comma and place it in quotation marks The recruitment officer stated that you would be recruited into the Marine Corps.

Is it possible to use a period after a word?

A single word can be used as a sentence if it is separated by a period. In this example , you add a fullstop to the term just like would in any sentence. This is common when the subject is understood in a greeting, or command.