Asked by: Laverna Dzhavahishvili
Asked in category: business and finance, logistics and transportation industry
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

What is the AAMI?

The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation is an organization for the advancement, safe and effective use of medical technology. It was founded by Robert D. in 1965.

What is the role of AAMI in this regard?

The Association for the Advancement of Medical InstrumentationA (r) (AAMI), is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1967. It is made up of over 9,000 professionals who share a common mission: to develop, manage, and use safe and effective healthcare technology.

AAMI certification is also available. ACI Certification. The AAMI Credentials Institute, (ACI), awards certification credentials for professionals in healthcare technology. Over the years, AAMI certified over 9,200 professionals in more than 40 countries.

What are the AAMI standards?

The AAMI Standards program is made up of more than 100 technical committees and work groups that produce Standards and Recommended Practices as well as Technical Information Reports on medical devices.

How can you become BMET certified

BMET certification is achieved by passing a certification exam, completing an education program and working experience. Register at an accredited school that offers a program. To earn an associate in science (A.S.), you can choose to enroll in a two-year program.