Asked by: Decorosa Salem
Asked in category: technology and computing, web design and html
Last Updated: 2nd May 2024

What is RewriteRule in htaccess?

Htaccess Rewrites via mod_rewrite allow you to redirect requests externally and internally. If the URL in the browser's location bar remains the same for a request, it is an internal redirection. However, if the url changes, an external redirection takes place.

What is RewriteRule, then?

Mod_rewrite uses a rule-based engine to rewrite URLs as they are received. It is based on a PCRE regex parser. Mod_rewrite works on the entire URL path, including the section-info. In httpd, you can invoke a rewrite rule. conf or in htaccess

You may also wonder, "What is NC in an htaccess file?" The [NC] indicates that the http host is case-insensitive. Escapes are the "." This is because it is a special character. (normally, the ".") One character cannot be specified. The last line describes the action to be performed: RewriteRule (. *)$ http://www.$1 [L,R=301]

Similar questions are asked: What is $1 in htaccess, too?

$1 is the first group that you capture from your regular expression. This is the content between (and ). You could also include the contents of parens in your regex if you used a second set. Here is an example: RewriteRule ([a-z0-9/-]+)-([a-z]+).html$ $1-$2.php [NC,L,QSA]

What does.htaccess stand for?

htaccess (hypertext acces) is a file that allows web servers to set up settings per directory. This allows you to modify the default configuration of Apache server at run-time. Use. We can enable or disable any functionality at run-time using htaccess.