Asked by: Anfisa Braga
Asked in category: technology and computing, data storage and warehousing, technology and computing, data storage and warehousing
Last Updated: 24th Jun 2024

What is fair scheduler and capacity scheduler?

Fair scheduler uses pools. It is a method to assign resources to applications so that all applications receive, on average, a equal share of resources over time. Capacity scheduler uses queues. Defines the capacity of each queue. Mapred-site should define the capacity.

What is a capacity scheduler, you ask?

The Capacity Scheduler allows you to share a large cluster and gives each organization a minimum capacity guarantee. The idea behind the Capacity Scheduler is that the Hadoop cluster's resources are divided among multiple organizations that collectively fund the cluster according to computing needs.

What is the yarn scheduler? The scheduler is an integral part of a computer operating systems that allocates resources to processes as required. A cluster scheduler allocates resources to the application running on the cluster. The cluster scheduler was designed for multi-tenancy as well as scalability. YARN lets you choose from a variety of schedulers.

Similar question: What is a fair scheduler in Hadoop

Fair scheduling refers to the process of allocating resources to applications so that each app gets an equal amount of resources over time. Hadoop NextGen can schedule multiple resource types. The Fair Scheduler defaults to relying on memory for scheduling fairness decisions.

What is a yarn-queue?

A queue is the fundamental unit of YARN. A job can be submitted to a particular queue. Each queue has a capacity that is set by the cluster admin. The queue gets a share of the resources.