Asked by: Helmut Mihailets
Asked in category: real estate, houses, real estate, houses
Last Updated: 30th Apr 2024

What is a BI level style home?

Split-level homes (also known as tri-level homes) are houses in which the floors are arranged in a staggered fashion. A bi- level has two sets of stairs and two level. The entry is located between floors. The front door opens onto a landing.

People often ask what is a bi-level home?

A bi-level home, which is a two-story house, has an entry that opens to a staircase to each floor. Sometimes called a mid-level foyer. Split-level homes are actually three levels. They are sometimes called a trilevel home.

What is the purpose of a split-level house? Split Level House: The lower level was used as a family room, or "rumpus" room, for games, TV viewing, and other family activities. According to AntiqueHome, this home style allowed for maximum living space without the need for a large lot. It was also cost-effective for both buyers and builders.

You might also wonder what the difference is between split level and two-story?

A typical split-level design has a two-story section connected to a single story section. The single-story section meets the two-story section at the level halfway between the two floors.

Is it difficult to sell bi-levels?

Split-level homes were more affordable to build in their prime. Split-level homes were spacious and had a smaller footprint than larger homes. Split-level homes are more difficult to sell today, which could lead to them being priced lower in the right market.