Asked by: Cisse Salabert
Asked in category: medical health, lung and respiratory health
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What irritates the phrenic nerve?

Phrenic nervous irritation
This condition can be caused either by spinal cord injuries, trauma or surgical complications. You might experience hiccupping if you have phrenic nervous irritation. Shortness of breath while lying down.

The phrenic nerve can also be damaged.

Multiple mechanisms can lead to injury of the phrenic nervous system. One common cause of phrenic neuropathy is surgery, mainly thoracic or cardiac surgery[5]. A phrenic nerve injury can present in the form of diaphragmatic dysfunction or unilateral diaphragmatic parlysis.

Also, find out what the phrenic nerve innervates. The thoracic diaphragm

It is also asked how to determine if you have phrenic neuro damage.

Doctors usually diagnose phrenic nervous injury by performing a physical examination, asking questions about the patient's past medical treatment, and considering whether they are unable to do simple daily activities due to shortness of breath.

Is it possible to repair the phrenic nerve?

The surgical repair of a phrenic nerve injury can improve breathing. Researchers say that surgical reconstruction of the nerve may improve breathing in people suffering from phrenic nerve injuries.