Asked by: Michaela Sandy
Asked in category: books and literature, art and photography books
Last Updated: 3rd May 2024

What invention was made in 1450?

Johannes Gutenberg, the late 1300's-1468, was a German inventor, craftsman, and printer. He invented the first printing press that used movable type, in 1450. This invention revolutionized printing by making it easier and more affordable.

You may also wonder, "What inventions were made during the 1400s?"

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1400 Invention of the first golf balls. Invention of the Spinet, the first piano.
1455 Johannes Gutenberg creates a printing press that uses metal-movable type.
1465 Drypoint engravings were invented in Germany.
1475 In Italy and Germany, muzzle-loaded rifles were invented.
1486 The first copyright was granted in Venice.

Similar, what was invent by the 1500? Get our FREE Newsletter

1500 The first flush toilets were invented.
1510 Leonardo da Vinci designs a horizontal water wheel. Peter Henlein invented the pocket watch.
1513 Urs Graf invents etching.
1568 London invented bottled beer
1569 Gerard Mercator invents Mercator map projection.

What was then invented during the medieval period?

Many important inventions were created in medieval times, including the Spinning Wheel and Stirrups, Astrolabe and Eyeglasses. Many inventions were made during the medieval period.

Which are the five greatest inventions of all-time?

Have a look at the Top Five Inventions of All Time below.

  • #5: Optical Lenses (13th century) Reflecting light through the glass
  • #4: Semiconductor Electronics (Mid-20th Century). These were the foundation of modern industrial technology.
  • #3: Penicillin (1928).
  • #2: Electricity (late 19th century)