Asked by: Prudencio Shahnarovich
Asked in category: technology and computing, web hosting
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

What does git fetch -- Tags do?

git fetch fetches all branch head (or all that are specified by remote). git fetch fetches tags and all the commits required for them. Even if branch heads are accessible from tags fetched, it will not update them.

This being said, what does git fetch do?

Git fetch is the primary command that can be used to retrieve contents from remote repositories. To update a local repository to a remote state, git fetch can be used with git remote, git branch, git checkout and git reset. The critical component of collaborative git work flows is the git fetch command.

What is the difference between pull and fetch? git fetch tells your local Git to fetch the most recent meta-data information from the original. It doesn't transfer files, but it does do some file transfers. This is more of a check to see if any changes are available. Git pull, on the other hand, does this AND copies the changes from the remote repository.

What are git tags, too?

Tags are a reference that points to specific points in Git's history. Tagging is used to mark a version release, i.e. v1. 0.1). A tag acts as a branch that never changes. Tags, unlike branches, are not subject to any commit history after they have been created.

How can you git fetch and meld?

Use the merge command to apply changes downloaded via fetch. Merge retrieves the commits from fetch, and attempts to add them into your local branch. The merge preserves the commit history for your local changes. Git can learn how other people should merge your changes when you share your branch via push