Asked by: Cesario Dhatri
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, atheism
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

What happened to Vladimir Lenin's life?

Works: Friends of the People - How They

Know also, what happened after Lenin's death to the Bolsheviks?

Leon Trotsky was the Bolshevik who became the most prominent after Lenin's passing. He led a group of his friends. All of these people would die from suspected assassinations. Soon after Lenin's suicide, Stalin was joined by Zinoviev & Kamenev in the Politburo Triumvirate.

You might also wonder, "How did Vladimir Lenin get killed?" Hemorrhagic stroke

Another question is: When did Vladimir Lenin pass away?

January 21, 1924

What did Vladimir Lenin do to change the world?

Russian Revolution Lenin began to plot against the overthrow of The Provisional Government. The Bolsheviks took power and declared Soviet rule. Lenin became the leader of the first communist country in the world. With the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, the Soviet government ended Russian participation in World War I.