Asked by: Mariea Querrec
Asked in category: books and literature, travel books
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

What happened to Lee's mother in East of Eden?

However, Lee's mom was in labor when she was pounding in the stake. The other menawho hadn't seen a woman for so long and who were insane like animalsaattacked and ravaged Lee and then killed her.

How did Lee's mother in East of Eden die?

Lee was born in a Sierra Railroad Camp. When workers discover that his mother is a woman, they brutally raped her and killed her. Lee begins working as a servant for Adam and speaks in pidgin. Samuel Hamilton discovers that he is faking it.

Another question that might be asked is, "What happens to Aron in East of Eden?" Aron Trask. Aron is the Abel figure in his generation. He is kindhearted and trusting, just like his father Adam. Aron dies when Cathy becomes his mother. He makes a last escape and enlists in the army. He is then killed in World War I.

Who is Lee in East of Eden, also?

Lee. Lee Adam's Chinese-American servant. But he's more like a super assistant who takes care everything and offers wise advice when it's necessary. Because Lee is a household fixture, we consider him a Trask.

Why did Cathy give her inheritance to Aron

Before Cathy kills herself, she makes a will that leaves everything she has to her son Aron. She leaves her possessions to Aron because she has only had multiple interactions and conversations with Cal. However, Cal reminded her of Charles, who seemed to scare her.