Asked by: Leana Radley
Asked in category: business and finance, startups
Last Updated: 7th May 2024

What grants are available to help me start my own business?

No Startup Loans
The SBA offers many loan programs to small businesses if you need money to finance your startup or expansion. These aren't grants that will give you money immediately, but they can help you access funds you wouldn't otherwise be able to.

How do I get money free to start my own business?

4 Small-Business Grants You Might Not Have Heard Of

  1. Support a Local Business. Intuit manages the Love A Local Business Grant Program and has donated over $1,000,000 since its inception.
  2. Women's grants
  3. U.S. government funds for research and development
  4. Green product development.

Are immigrants eligible for grants to start their own businesses? Although there aren’t many grants for small businesses that are specific to immigrants or other minorities, they do exist. The Federal government also has the Minority Business Development Agency that helps minorities and women grow their businesses.

How do I apply for a grant to start a new company?

Sometimes, small businesses can be offered economic development grants by nonprofits or state or local governments. For grant opportunities in your area, check with the state and local governments. is a website that allows you to search federal grants that may be available to your company.

Are there grants for small businesses?

RGF programs are administered by national and local organizations. They can provide loans or grants to eligible businesses that meet certain criteria. Small businesses can receive grants for training.