Asked by: Molly Greiwe
Asked in category: technology and computing, computer animation, technology and computing, computer animation
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

How do you connect copper pipe to PEX pipe?

Traditional methods of connecting copper to PEX include using a threaded sweat connector on the copper side (to connect to the PEX fitting), and soldering to form a watertight seal.

You might also wonder if you can crimp PEX to make copper.

A threaded adapter can be used to connect PEX tubing with a threaded copper connector. These adapters can be purchased with both male and feminine threads. Push the PEX pipe onto one end of the fitting. Secure the PEX pipe using a crimpring.

Should I also replace copper with PEX The installer recommended that I replace my copper pipes with PEX. You could get an additional 23 years out your copper pipe and save the cost of replacing plumbing. If the area is small and leaky, you can replace it with PEX. Both are interchangeable.

Also, was it possible to connect SharkBite with copper PEX?

To use the SharkBite Brass push to-connect Coupling to switch copper to PEX in an existing line, simply cut the copper pipe and mark the appropriate insertion depth. Then, push the coupling onto the pipe. This process can be repeated for the PEX end. Your connection is complete.

How long can SharkBite fittings last for?

SharkBite fittings or PEX pipe come with a 25-year warranty against manufacturer's defects long provided the item is installed in accordance to the instructions and complies within local code.