Asked by: Bondad Vilaro
Asked in category: medical health, bone and joint conditions
Last Updated: 12th May 2024

What does radial styloid tenosynovitis mean?

DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis refers to inflammation of the thumb's extensor or flexor tendon. Tenosynovitis is caused by repetitive, or unaccustomed thumb use (gripping, grasping), which causes friction in the tendons as the pass over the distal radius styloid.

This being said, what is left radial styloid tenosynovitis?

Tenosynovitis refers to inflammation of the synovial sheath around the tendon. De Quervain's disease is a condition in which the tendons of de Quervain and the extensor policis brevis are located at the styloid end of the radius. This thick tendon sheath often becomes stenotic and inflamed, causing symptoms.

Another question that may be asked is, "Is De Quervain’s tenosynovitis a permanent condition?" De Quervain’s tenosynovitis De Quervain’s tenosynovitis can be temporary. It responds well to treatment. It is essential to treat de Quervain’s tenosynovitis. This condition can cause permanent limitations in movement and even rupture of the tendon sheath if it isn't treated.

What is the Radial Styloid Process?

Radial styloid is a projection of bone on lateral surfaces of distal radius bones. It can be seen extending obliquely down into a strong, conical projection. At its base, the tendon of brachioradialis attaches to the wrist and at its apex the radial collateral ligament attaches to the wrist.

What causes tenosynovitis and how can you treat it?

Repetitive motions over and over can cause irritation to the sheath surrounding the tendons. This may lead to thickening or swelling, which in turn restricts their movement. De Quervain's Tenosynovitis can also be caused by direct injury to the wrist or tendon. Scar tissue can also restrict movement of tendons.