Asked by: Roxie Hezel
Asked in category: sports, wrestling
Last Updated: 9th May 2024

What does Porra in Portuguese mean?

It is almost like the English slang "fuck", but "porra", which literally means "cum", can be used to better understand its meaning. Its origin is the Flail Weapon, the Porra.

What does Porra in BJJ mean?

"Boa" means "good" and is used as a "a'ta boy" like stated above, you also hear many times "isso" prolonged, sounding like "iiiiiiissoooooooooooooooo" which means "that's it". Porra means litteraly "cum". Pardon the French She might have believed that you were trying something to get her into trouble. BJJ Heroes, Mar 26, 2010.

What does POHA in Portuguese mean? Porra means "damn it", "fuck", "damn", "shit". It is spoken by many people in Brazil. Although it isn't as strong as "caralho", it's still something you wouldn't say in front of your boss.

What does Porra mean?

It is almost like the English slang "fuck", but "porra", which literally means "cum", can be used to better understand its meaning. Its origin is the Flail Weapon, the Porra.

How can you swear in Portuguese

These are the top Portuguese swear terms that you can use to insult your friends, family, or simply when you're feeling pissed.

  1. Badalhoco(a) Meaning: Dirty.
  2. Merda. Meaning: Shit.
  3. Vaca. Meaning: Cow.
  4. Porra. Meaning: Shit (softer than merda).
  5. Corno. Meaning: Fool.
  6. Vai tomar no cu! Meaning: Get up!
  7. Puta merda. Meaning: Holy sh*t.
  8. Desenmerda-te.