Asked by: Erminia Hamidi
Asked in category: sports, surfing and bodyboarding
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

What does it mean to rip on someone?

rip off (one)
To mock, tease, or ridicule someone in a very cruel or malicious way. Although they don't mean to hurt me by their snide remarks about me, my friends' comments can sometimes be quite hurtful.

What does it mean to rip someone else?

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishrip off somebody/something phrasal Verb American English informalto complain about someone/something a lot See Verb table.

What is the meaning of "ripping off"? Noun Slang. The act of or instance in which someone rips off another person or persons; a theft or cheating or swindle. Exploitation, especially by those who are unable to prevent it or counter it. A copy or imitation. A person who steals from another or more; thief, swindler.

What does ripping in slang mean?

Definition of ripped. 1 Slang: Being under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or both: High, stoned.

What does rip mean?

(i) Rest In Peace: Rest In Peace. This is a common phrase that Catholics use to write on their graves to wish them eternal peace and rest. Because we know that people die, it is like they are resting, Rest In Peace is the name of this phrase.