Asked by: Suevia Ylarregui
Asked in category: news and politics, law
Last Updated: 3rd May 2024

What does it mean to leave high and dry?

Don't leave anyone high and dry. To leave someone in a difficult position without any help: We were left high-and dry with no money or credit cards.

Also, from where did the expression "high and dry" come?

It was featured in The [London] Times' "Ship News" column, August 1796: "The Russian frigate Archipelago ran aground yesterday below the Nore at high waters, which, when the tide had ebbed left her almost dry and high. "

What does high-handed refer to? High-handed is a definition. High-handed: Not paying attention to the feelings, rights, and concerns of others.

Also, sexually, what does high-and-dry mean?

High and dry, stranded; helpless, destitute. High and Low in All Places; Everywhere. High and powerful informal arrogance.

What does the expression "getting hosed" mean?

To be out of luck