Asked by: Jianping Asaola
Asked in category: technology and computing, internet for beginners
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

What does it mean to be told you don't have a backbone by someone?

You don't want to say someone lacks backbone. This is a sign that they are not willing to take the necessary steps. Even if you are taking extreme measures, you need to have the courage to do so.

Consider this: What do you call someone without a backbone?

nl?s ) adjective. When you refer to someone as spineless, it means they are afraid of taking action or opposing people when they should. [disapproval]

The next question is: What does having some backbone actually mean? Show some backbone. The spine is just another name for the backbone . This idiom means to "show" or demonstrate some backbone to others. It is a way to show that you aren't a coward (cow), but a strong and courageous person.

What does "backbone" mean in slang, too?

noun. metaphor: Having a backbone gives you courage and will. Why would you allow your manager to take advantage of you? Develop a backbone. You can also see more words that have the same meaning as brave.

What does it mean to have a moral backbone?

(adjective). One's sense of right or wrong is guided or used to guide one. (adjective), referring to principles of right or wrong, and conforming to those standards of behavior and character.