Asked by: Marli Strahl
Asked in category: medical health, digestive disorders, medical health, digestive disorders
Last Updated: 30th Apr 2024

What does hypoactive bowel sounds indicate?

Hypoactive bowel sounds are those that are less loud, more toned, or more frequent. They indicate that intestinal activity has slowed. Hypoactive bowel sounds can be normal during sleep. They can also be experienced for a brief time after the administration of certain medications or after abdominal surgery.

What are hypoactive bowel sounds, then?

A bowel sound that is absent can indicate an ileus or obstruction above the area of the intestine. Hypoactive bowel sounds can be one every three to five minute and can indicate diarrhoea or anxiety. You might also hear rushing and high-pitched sounds.

You might also wonder, "What is the normal rate for bowel sounds?" Normal: Bowel sounds consist of clicks and grumbles, and 5-30 per hour. You may occasionally hear borborygmus, a loud prolonged gurgle.

What do the bowel sounds mean?

Bowel sounds: A gurgling, rumbling or growling sound from the abdomen that is caused by the muscular contractions known as peristalsis. This is the process that moves the contents down in the stomach and intestines. Normal Bowel sounds. They can be absent if they are not present.

Are you still experiencing bowel sounds due to an obstruction?

Your doctor may hear high-pitched sounds when you listen to your abdomen if there is an obstruction. If the obstruction has been in place for a while, you may notice a complete lack of bowel sounds.