Asked by: Asteria Siemke
Asked in category: news and politics, war and conflicts
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

What was the cause of Shays Rebellion quizlet?

What was the cause of Shay's Rebellion The government paid soldiers who fought in revolutionary war with no money. It was a signal to the delegates that the current government was not working. Since there wasn't a strong military to protect citizens from the inside forces, it was time for a new government.

Find out what caused the Shays Rebellion.

The cause of the rebellion, also known as Shays Rebellion, was money or lack thereof. Massive War Debts were a result of the American Revolutionary War. To pay the Revolutionary War debts, the Continental Congress and the state governments imposed a poll tax.

Second, what was the Shays Rebellion Quizlet? This set includes terms (8) Shays Rebellion. This conflict in Massachusetts led many to criticize Articles of Confederation. They also admitted that the weak central government was not functioning. Daniel Shays led an uprising to stop courts from foreclosing farms of people who couldn't pay taxes.

This is a quizlet about Shays Rebellion.

The Shays' Rebellion began when the government in Massachusetts decided to increase taxes rather than issuing paper money to repay its debts. Farmers, especially those in the western region of the state that are poor, were the hardest hit by the increased taxes.

What is the significance of Shays Rebellion

The armed rebellion of Massachusetts citizens called Shays' Rebellion took place after the Revolutionary War. The Regulators, a group led by Daniel Shays , sought to take control of Springfield's armory and overthrow the government. Although the rebellion was defeated, its political impact was substantial.