Asked by: Ruslana Boloix
Asked in category: food and drink, world cuisines
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

Is there a variety of okra types?

Okra comes in both green and red varieties. The red Okra has the same taste as the green version, but is lighter in color. The red okra pods become green when cooked.

What is the best variety of okra?

The main-season varieties of okra include the super-productive 'Clemson spineless', and many tall heirlooms like 'Stewart's Zeebest' or 'Perkins Long pod'. They mature in about 60 days. These are good options if you want to grow okra for freezing or pickling.

Is okra a type or squash, other than the one mentioned above? String beans were only one of the possible vegetables, while most (30%) said that squash was a vegetable. Litt states that avocadoes, string beans and squash are all technically fruits. Rhubarb, however, is not considered a fruit.

The same goes for okra.

Okra. Okra, also known as gumbo, is an annual, tall-growing vegetable that grows in warm seasons. It comes from the same family of hollyhock and roses of Sharon. The immature pods can be used to make soups, stews, canning, and stews as well as being boiled or fried.

What does okra have to do with?

Okra belongs to the Mallow family. It is related to hibiscus, cotton and hollyhock. It is a tropical herb that grows to 6 feet tall and is used for its edible green pod. However, there is also a red pod variety that turns green when it is cooked.