Asked by: Valeriya Batchelis
Asked in category: books and literature, young adult literature, books and literature, young adult literature
Last Updated: 24th Jun 2024

What does Antonia mean?

Antonia (also known as AntA3nia or AntA'nia), is a feminine givenname and surname. It is of Roman origin and was used as the name for women in the Antonius family. Its meaning is "priceless", praiseworthy, and beautiful.

What does Antonia in Greek mean?

Antonia is a English Baby Names baby girl name. The meaning for the name Antonia in English Baby Names is: Highly praiseworthy. A Roman clan name. The spelling Anthony was first associated with the Greek anthos, which means flower, in the 17th century.

What does anthonia also mean? anthonia. ANTONIUS FORM OF FEMININE: antonius LANGUAGE FAMILY : tyrrhenian ORIGIN : etruscan NAMEROOT : ANTANIUS. MEANING: This name is ahighly praiseworthya. It derives its name from the root aAntAniusa which is a Gens (Roman family names) to which (Marcus Antonius).

What is the popularity of Antonia's name?

The 1,209th Most Popular Girl Name in the United States was the unusual name Antonia in 2018. This Antonia was once a top 1000 names. However, it is less in use. It reached position 336 in 1882, which is the highest popularity ranking. The name was given to the most babies in 1996, with 669 instances.

Can Antonio be a girl's name?

AntA'nio, Brazilian Portuguese Portuguese, and AntA3nio, Portuguese orthography are both Portuguese masculine given names derived from Antonius. It is also used as a surname. It is also translated into English as Anthony. There are some female derivatives of it: Antonia and AntA3nia, Antonietta and Antonietta.