Asked by: Souleymane Salzborn
Asked in category: sports, snooker and pool and billiards, sports, snooker and pool and billiards
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

What causes white foam on top of pool?

A high organic load is a sign that your pool has foam. This means that there is more organic material in the pool than can be dissolved or eliminated by sanitizer. They cause the water to become cloudy.

How can I get rid foam from my pool?

How to get rid pool foam in 5 easy steps

  1. Test your pool chemistry. First, test the pool's chemistry.
  2. Get ready to shock your pool.
  3. Drain and refill.
  4. Use an anti-foam product.
  5. Check your filtration system.
  6. Before you go swimming, shower.
  7. Be careful with your algaecide.
  8. Make sure you clean your pool

What is white foam in a pool? Some swimming pools might develop foam which sits on the water. This foam has a thin, white, or off- , surface layer and tends to accumulate in a corner in the pool. This is a sign of a high-organic loading in the pool.

People often ask why my pool has foam on the top.

Foam in a pool can be caused by the water being too thick. Another reason for foam is if your water has been well treated and a pool open kit has been added. If there isn't any algae in the pool, the algaecide can cause foam.

Can you swim in a foamy swimming pool?

Foam, also known as bubbles, makes the water feel sticky and can make swimming uncomfortable. A foamy pool is safe for children to swim in.