Asked by: September Cereceda
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Can climbing hydrangea grow in shade?

USDA plant hardiness zones 5 to 7 are suitable for the plants. Climbing Hydrangeas require a well-drained, rich soil. Before planting, add a lot of compost to improve your soil. Full sun or partial shade is good for the vine.

You should also know which hydrangeas do best in shade.

Although many species of hydrangeas can thrive in the shade, panicle Hydrangeas (Hydrangea pandemiculata), are best suited for full sun. These white summer-blooming shrubs produce many weeks of large clusters.

You might also wonder if Endless Summer hydrangeas can grow in full sun. Endless SummerA(r), hydrangeas like morning sun and afternoon shade. They may not produce flowers if they are placed in full sunlight. It may take some time for your hydrangeas to produce flowers if you cut them back to their base.

Many people also wonder if hydrangeas can thrive in shade.

Hydrangeas grow best in moist, rich soils that are porous and slightly moist. To enrich soil that is not rich in nutrients, add compost. They like full sun in the morning and some shade in the afternoon. However, they will thrive in partial shade.

Why are my climbing hydrangeas not growing?

To encourage upward growth and flowering, remove them from the main branch. Too much nitrogen fertilizer can sometimes cause a climbing Hydrangea to stop blooming. If you prune at the wrong time of the year, climbing hydrangeas will not bloom.