Asked by: Dannette Luzens
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 1st May 2024

What causes my air conditioner to surge?

An electrical problem within the air conditioner could cause a power surge that trips an AC circuit breaker. An electrical problem such as a loose connection, a faulty capacitor or a short in wiring could cause an AC circuit breaker to trip. These issues can easily be resolved by a professional.

Another question is: Why is my air conditioner soaring?

Causes. There are two types of power surges. Lightning is a natural source of power . It can cause an abrupt spike in your electrical current if it strikes the power line. The air conditioner can cause man-made power surges.

Do air conditioners also have surge protectors, A Heat Pump and HVAC Surge ProtectoraInstall an HVAC surge protector designed for heat pumps and air conditioners. An HVAC surge protector device is located at the AC condenser. It automatically redirects excess electricity to the ground in the event of a power surge.

Many people also wonder if a power surge can cause damage to my AC unit.

Power surges can be dangerous because you cannot predict the extent of damage to your HVAC system. A huge power surge can cause system failure and could be very destructive. Many times, HVAC systems that have been damaged by a power surge cannot be repaired and must be replaced.

My air conditioner is tripping the circuit breaker.

Your AC tripping the circuit breaker is due to one of these reasons. The source of the tripping may be the AC. An AC conditioner that is overheating draws more amps from the circuit. This is a measure of electrical current. This could cause the circuit to draw more amps than it is designed to handle.