Asked by: Rolande Pedrido
Asked in category: travel, south america travel
Last Updated: 22nd May 2024

What would the cost of a flight from Pittsburgh to San Francisco be?

Cheapflights offers 3 direct flights between Pittsburgh and San Francisco for as low as $200 The cost of a nonstop flight between Pittsburgh and San Francisco is just $119.

You may also wonder, "How long does a flight from Pittsburgh, California to San Francisco take?"

Flights from Pittsburgh, PA, to San Francisco, CA aC/ airlines & Flight Duration

Journey & Airline Time
United Airlines PIT a SFO 5 hours 48 minutes
Air New Zealand PIT a SF 5 hours 48 minutes
Air China PIT a SFO 5 hours 48 minutes

Similar to the above, how far is it from Pittsburgh to San Francisco? The total driving duration is 37 hours, 38 mins. Your trip begins in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It ends in San Francisco California.

Keep this in mind: How many miles does it take to get from Pittsburgh to San Francisco.

From Pittsburgh to San Francisco, there are 2,260.05 mi (or 4,158.54 km) in west direction. If you follow the I-80 route, there are 2,584 miles (4.158.54 km) by car. If you drive non-stop, Pittsburgh and San Francisco will be 1 day 12 hours apart.